Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Wrench

Yep, today, there was a little wrench in "my" plans. Things I had planned for today . . . 1) get showered 2) get kids to school 3) go to Starbuck's for Halloween party meeting for Dakota's school, 4) pick up kids from school 5) go to LSS to set up for class tomorrow night 6) enjoy evening with my family.

Instead, my day involved . . . 1) wake up 2) make Dakota's lunch 3) rush Hannah to toilet to throw up 4) call and cancel all plans for the day . . .

Hmmmm. Sometimes God places these small pauses in my day to slow me down and just focus on the important things. So here I sit in my PJs at 2:00 in the afternoon. I made a few cards with the Cosmo Cricket line while Hannah rested. But other than that, a day of snuggling with my little one and coaxing her back to health.

Oh, I almost forgot . . . I had an AMAZING morning yesterday photographing a friend's six day old baby boy. I LOVE taking newborn photographs (o.k. I love taking photographs of anything). He was so sweet. The card above with the photo on it is a picture of his little toes.

1 comment:

JACQ said...

O i love these cards and how you've photographed them! :D