Sunday, October 29, 2006

Phew . . . sometimes life gets a bit crazy . . .

Wow . . . so it has been way too long since I updated here. I try not to live in a world of regrets, so I'll just move on.

Last week I taught an amazing class at Memories & Beyond with absolutely fabulous people in attendance. Even my good friend, Chris, decided to drop in for the class. What an honor! Everyone's layouts turned out beautifully and I simply love seeing how each person takes the design and makes it their own. One woman (hi Maria, if you are reading this!) even created a little flip book of photos on her page to include more photos on her page. The end result was fabulous.

After the class, I flew out to Arizona with my mom, sister, aunt and cousin to visit another cousin who is expecting her first baby in a few weeks. What fun -- truly a whirlwind weekend, but so worth all the travel and lack of sleep.

I am bumping up against a few deadlines for Scrappin Trends, so I am off to go play with my new scrap goodies. But I posted a picture here of the layout I designed for my November class at Memories & Beyond. If you live in the area of Downer's Grove, Illinois, and want to check it out, my class is scheduled for Monday, November 13th at 7:00 p.m. I always love seeing new people in my classes (and the familiar ones, too, of course).

1 comment:

*Jeanne* said...

This design is AMAZING Connie WOW! I love all the different photos.. awesome!